As the MIO 2017 draws to an end, Ysatis looks back on her weeks spent in Oxford. 

Gratitude. If I was told to summarise my experience this summer at BADA, it would be gratitude. Extremely lucky to be a part of a group of students, (Novello represent!), who’s work ethic, commitment, and honesty helped shaped these four weeks.

We were in it together – every step of the way.

Our teachers were a Blessing too. They pushed us when we were uncomfortable and gave us permission to ‘let go.’ I can’t tell you how many times I felt connected to the text when Leo would tell me ‘breathe, my baby.’ This was a huge reminder for me this summer, the importance of breath and letting go. The thoughts come to you when you breathe and you’re forced to let go in that breath. Quite simple. The greatest struggle was trusting myself and though that will take a long time to undo with years behind that habit, the process began here and I’m grateful for it.

It’s difficult to summarise everything I learned this summer (or was reminded of). There are so many lessons. Learning to ‘let go’, ‘do less’, breathe, and trusting myself were the important lessons this summer.

Technique was taught and it’s significance is understood. Continuing, on our own, will now be the challenge. And I know that each and everyone of us can do it.

Diversity was everywhere. People from across the planet were here and we all came in different shades, shapes, and sizes. You were encouraged to be yourself. Your honest self.

Thank you to all of my teachers, classmates and (hopefully) future colleagues, and staff for these four weeks.

By Ysatis Llano